
The Ladies of Yongsan PWOC welcome you to The Land of the Morning Calm! We are so excited about our upcoming year. We will be sharing Bible studies, monthly programs and special events all designed to help you develop relationships with other women and more importantly to grow closer to Christ.

Spring 2011 Bible Studies

1.      Thy Word is my Delight:  An Inductive Study of Psalm 119
“All grace grows as love to the Word of God grows.”-Philip Henry

Do you delight in the Word of the Lord?  Do you have a desire to know it better to be able to apply it to your everyday life?  This study focuses on the techniques for inductive Bible studies where you are the one doing the observation, interpretation, and application of the God’s Word.  We have all participated in Bible studies or read books by other authors who know God’s word and have the gift to reveal its truth to others.  But our Loving Father has wondrous things waiting to be revealed to all of us if we just take the time to read, memorize and meditate on His Word.  In this study we will open up Psalm 119, a 176 verse psalm. Come and join me as we read of the Psalmist’s praise, love, power, and use of the Word of God, and let the Holy Spirit cultivate in our hearts the same devotion to it. 

2.      Coffee Cup Bible series:  Mocha on the Mount & Premium Roast with Ruth
A rich blend of personal insight and theological training combine to make Mocha on the Mount Coffee Cup Bible series full of possibility for spiritual growth. A practical, friendly tone leads to personal application of biblical truth. Six lessons in the compact book contain the scripture, commentary and discussion questions. In chapters five through seven of Matthew’s gospel we find Christ’s discourse commonly known as “The Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus delivered this sermon at the beginning of his ministry, when He was popular and had a large following. A common refrain of Jesus’ message is “the kingdom is at hand.” Throughout the sermon, Christ presented the requirements for entry into this kingdom: a right relationship with God characterized by righteous living.

 Premium Roast with Ruth, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, considers one of the two great women for whom a book of the Bible is named. This Bible study demonstrates how God is in control; how He always keeps His promises; how He can reverse impossible circumstances; and how He blesses the faithful more richly and for longer than they could ever imagine. A 4-6 week study in compact, workbook format. Study sections are broken down into short, daily segments designed to fit readers' busy lifestyles. The NET translation is included in the study.

3.      Conversation Peace:  Improve Your Relationship One Word at a Time by Mary A. Kassian
In this Mary Kassian teach you seven powerful speech-transforming elements, based on the Bible, that will help you master the skill of effective communication.    God’s Word can change your words from the inside out.  Revolutionize your speech habits and improve your relationships!  It is a proven practical instruction on listening, communication techniques, conflict resolution, and relationship building that happens with just one word at a time.  Conversation Peace is all about:  a change of heart.  Join this study and let God transform you from the inside out!

4.      Growing in Christ:  A Thirteen-Week Course For New and Growing Christians
This study covers two Navigator studies; Lessons on Assurance and Lessons on Christian Living, and combines it to provide one practical study that is design to help you master the fundamentals of the Christian life.    It will help you establish a firm scriptural foundation for your life as you develop habits of Bible study and Scripture memory.  It will equip you with the mighty weapon, the Word of God, in your daily battles with Satan.  This study is strongly recommended for those who are seeking God and desire to grow in Him.   

5.      Daniel by Beth Moore
Through studying the book of Daniel with Beth Moore we'll see how this prophet had the strength to stand against temptations and threats against his Faith in the one true God.  Daniel faced many of the same cultural pressures we face today as Christians and the first part of the study will help us learn how to stand up for the Truth.  The second part of the study will deal with the fascinating prophecies from the time of Daniel to the second coming of Christ.  I hope you'll join me for this in-depth, thrilling study!